This test is used to measure the insitu penetration resistance of soils by means of a dynamic cone penetrometer. It is limited to use in fine grained materials. The results may be used to estimate the field California bearing ratio (CBR) of cohesive soils. Dynamic cone penetrometer – complying with the essential dimensions and masses given in AS1289.6.3.2 Penetration Resistance with the 9kg Dynamic Cone Graduations in ‘mm’ The OHS model differs by the hammer’s components being internal so it minimizes the chance of fingers being pinched.
OHS Model Kit – 1289.
1x 1289. – OHS Upper Assembly
1x 1289. – Coupling
1x 1289. – Adapter Rod
1x 1289. – Extension Rod
1x 1289. – Extendable Lower Rod
1x 1289. – Cone
1x 1289. – Perth Sand Tip

Adapter Rod



Perth Sand Tip

OHS Upper Assembly

Pro-Lab DCP Cone Checker

DCP 16mm Extractor