Method of testing soils for engineering purposes
Method 3.1.1: Soil classification tests – Determination of the liquid limit of a soil – Four point Casagrande method

This standard sets out a method for determining the liquid limit of soil ( the moisture content at which a soil passes ) from the plastic to the liquid state.
See Below the apparatus and its components/Accessories that can be bought separately :
- Pro-Lab Liquid Limit Apparatus ( doesn’t come with grooving tools or Casagrande Tools )
- L/L ( liquid Limit ) Rubber Base
- Hinge Set and housing
- Pro-Lab Brass bowl and Cam
- Grooving tool ( Brass )
- Grooving tool ( Stainless )
- Quadrant head ( Brass )
- Quadrant head ( Stainless )
- Handle ( Brass )
- Handle ( Stainless )
- NATA CERT for the Rubber Base
- Wash Bottle